Karaoke version
ျမန္မာ သီခ်င္း - ေယာကၡမ
ေခြၽးမတစ္ေယာက္က ေယာကၡမ အတြက္ရည္စူးထားတဲ့ ဒီသီခ်င္းလဲ နားဆင္ၾကည္႕ပါအုန္း
ကမ႓ာမွာ လူသားတိုင္းဟာ
အေမ အေဖနဲ႔ပတ္သက္လာရင္
အေဖအေမ ေက်းဇူးဂုဏ္၊
သားသမီးေပၚထားတဲ့ အနစ္နာခံတဲ့ ခ်စ္ေမတၲာေတြကို
ေဖၚက်ဴးၿပီး ေဆာင္းပါးေတြ၊ ဝထၴဳေတြ ပံုျပင္ေတြေရးသား
ဒါေပမယ္႔ အိမ္ေထာင္က်သူတိုင္းမွာ
ေတာ္စပ္ပံုအရ ေယာကၡမ/ထီး ဆိုတဲ့
တစ္ဖက္ကလဲ သမက္ ေခြၽးမဟာ ကိုယ့္သားသမီး
ဒါေၾကာင့္မို႔ အဂၤလိပ္ေတြက
Parent in law,
Father in law,
Mother in law ,
Son in Law,
Daughter in law လို႔ေခၚၾကတာမလား။
ဒါေပမယ့္ တကမ႓ာလံုးကလူသားေတြဟာ
အၿငိမ္႔က၊ သီခ်င္းစပ္ဆိုၾကရင္
ေယာကၡမ မေကာင္းေၾကာင္း
သီခ်င္း စပ္ဆို ပ်က္လံုးထုတ္ၾကတာ ဘာလို႔လဲ မသိဘူး။
ဒီ English oldies special song တစ္ပုဒ္လဲ
ခင္ဗ်ားတို႔ သေဘာနဲ႔
ေယာကၡမ/ထီး အားလံုးအား
အၿမဲေလးစားခ်စ္ခင္ ဂါရဝျပဳလ်က္ပါ။
Youtube ေပၚက ဒီ သီခ်င္း ဗြီဒီယို နဲ႔ပါတ္သက္တဲ့ Lyrics ေတြရဲ႔ေအာက္မွာေဖၚျပေပးထားတဲ့
comments အခ်ိဳ႔ကိုၾကၫ္႔မယ္ဆိုယင္ သူတို႔ေတြဟာ
သီခ်င္းအေပၚမွာ သီခ်င္းလိုဘဲခ်စ္ခင္စြာ ခံစားၾကေၾကာင္းသိနိုင္ပါလိမ့္မယ္။

Bass singer (Mother-inLaw) is Benny Spellman, who's big hit around the same time was "Lipstick Traces". And that's Dr. John (Mac Rebenack) playing the piano.

What a strange record! You put it down on the turntable to play "Wanted, 10,000.000 reward" but it plays Mother-In-Law instead. Look at 2:32 .

Sounds good to me. Great song from Ernie, though Norn Nite doesn't list him in "Rock On". Thamks. I have it, but very old. What is the B side song that you want? I am a former DJ with about 5000 45's from 1950 to 1985 and 400+ albums, many originals.
I play all on a 35 y/o JVC TT and Denon system, with over 40 y/o Magnaplaners, when those bramds were very new and still excellent in their sound. The system still sounds fantastic, as good as the day I got them. Rock on,. friend!

This is hysterical !! It was funny when were young but really did know too much about it;s
implications but now, I'm rolling.

Love this! My Mom had me play it for my husband with a MEMO: "Never gonna be this kind" --LOL!! He had actually never heard it! WE LOVE IT! Bling Blinky of TEXAS is sharing it everywhere!

I have this single!!!!!! my old time favorite when I was 4 or something, haha! Now it sing just as good as them! yeah! love it!

@perryclouse1 Most of these were big records in their day. It was before my time but I remember my parents spinning these when I was a youngster.