စက္တင္ဘာလဟာ က်ေနာ္႔အတြက္
အမွတ္ရစရာေတြနဲ႔ ျပည္႔ေနတဲ႔ လတစ္လပါဘဲ။
ဒီလရဲ႔ ပြဲဦးထြက္
စက္တင္ဘာ တစ္ရက္ဟာ က်ေနာ္႔သမီးရဲ႔ေမြးေန႔ျဖစ္ေနျပီး
သမီးေမြးျပီး ၄ပတ္ ျပည္႔ရန္တစ္ရက္အလို
က်ေနာ္႔ အသက္ ၂၇ႏစ္ျပည္႔ျပီး ၄ ရက္ေျမာက္ ေန႔ ျဖစ္တဲ႔
စက္တဘၤာ ၂၇ မွာ အေဖ က်ေနာ္တို႔ဘဝကေန
ျပန္မလာ နိုင္တဲ႔ ခရီးကိုအျပီးထြက္ခြာ
အေဖ႔ ေနာက္ဆံုး ခရီးကို လိုက္ပို႔ႀကတဲ႔
စက္တင္ဘာ လကုန္ ၃၀ရက္ေန႔မွာ
က်ေနာ္တို႔ ေမာင္နွမ ခုနွစ္ေယာက္ထဲက
တစ္ျခားေမာင္နွမေတြနဲ႔ျခားနားကာက်ေနာ္႔ နဲ႔
နံမည္ ဆင္တူမွည္႔ထားတဲ႔ အကိုငယ္ ၏ သမီးႀကီး
လူ႔ဘဝထဲ ဝင္ေရာက္လာခဲ႔ပါတယ္။၊
ေနာက္ထပ္နွစ္လ အႀကာ နိုဝင္ဘာ ၂၉ မွာ
အကိုအလတ္ရဲ႔ သမီး ကလဲ
ရြယ္တူ သမီးတူမ သံုးဦးတို႔ ဟာ
ဒီနွစ္မွာ ၂၃နွစ္ ေမြးေန႔ ကို
ဒီနွစ္စက္တင္ဘာရဲ႔ ပိုထူးျခားခ်က္ကေတာ႔
ဒီလမွာ ေမြးဖြား ႀကတဲ႔
သမီးနဲ႔တူမတို႔ရဲ႔ ေမြးေန႔ ဟာ သူတို႔ အသီးသီးရဲ႔
၂၃နွစ္ေမြးေန႔ ျဖစ္ႀကသလို ၊
အေဖဆံုးတဲ႔ ၂၃နွစ္ေျမာက္လဲျဖစ္ေနပါတယ္၊
ဒီ စက္တင္ဘာလ ၂၃ရက္ဟာလဲ အသက္ ၅၀ တင္းတင္းျပည္႔တဲ႔
က်ေနာ္႔ေမြးေန႔ ျဖစ္ေနျပန္ပါတယ္၊
သမီး တူမတို႔ရဲ႔ အေဖျဖစ္ေနတဲ႔ က်ေနာ္က
သမီး တူမ တို႔အတြက္ ေပးခ်င္တဲ႔ message လဲျဖစ္သလို၊
က်ေနာ္႔အေဖ ကြယ္လြန္သြားတာ ၂၃နွစ္ ျပည္႔တဲ႔
ဒီလအတြက္ပါ ရည္ဇူးတဲ႔ အေနာက္တိုင္းသီခ်င္းေတြထဲမွာ
" အေဖ " လို႔ ရွားရွားပါးပါးစပ္ဆိုထားတဲ႔ သီခ်င္းတစ္ပုဒ္နဲ႔
ဒီ post ကို ေဝမွၽ လိုက္ပါတယ္။။
သမီးက ဒီ စက္တင္ဘာလထဲမွာပဲ ထြက္မယ္႔
ေနာက္ဆံုးနွစ္ေအာင္စာရင္း ကိုေစာင္႔ေနသလို
တူမကလဲ ေဟာက္စ္ဆင္းေနပါျပီ၊
နိုဝင္ဘာေမြးတဲ႔ တူမအငယ္က အလုပ္စလုပ္ေနျပီ ဆိုေတာ႔
အားလံးု အေတာင္အလက္ေတြစံုလို႔ သူတို႔ ဘဝ ေတြကို
စတင္ ပ်ံသန္းစ ျပဳေနၾကျပီလို႔
ေျပာရမွာပါဘဲ မဟုတ္လား။
သီခ်င္းစာသားကလဲ ျမန္မာလူမ်ိဳးေတြရဲ႔
စုန္ေရ ဆိုတဲ႔ ေမတၱာ ခံစားခ်က္နဲ႔ ကိုက္ညီကာ
က်ေနာ္ အင္မတန္မွ ႀကိဳက္နွစ္သက္တဲ႔
အဂၤလိပ္လို Pa Pa " ဆိုတဲ႔
ျမန္မာပရိတ္သတ္နဲ႔ မစိမ္းတဲ႔ အဂၤလိပ္ သီခ်င္းတစ္ပုဒ္နဲ႔
ဒီ အမွတ္တရ Post ကို ေရးမိပါတယ္။
အဂၤလိပ္ သီခ်င္းေတြထဲမွာေရာ ျမန္မာသီခ်င္းေတြထဲမွာပါ
ဒီလိုမ်ိဳး အေဖအေၾကာင္းကို စပ္ဆိုထားတဲ႔ သီခ်င္း
ဒီသီခ်င္းကို ညႊန္းရတာကလဲ
က်ေတာ္တို႔ေတြ ႀကီးျပင္းလာယင္းနဲ႔
အေဖ အေမေတြရဲ႔ ရင္ခြင္က ေန
အေတာင္အလက္ေတြျပည္႔စံု ျပီး
အေမေတြဟာ ဘဝကိုဆက္လက္ ေနထိုင္
ရင္ဆိုင္ေရွ႔သို႔ ခ်ီ ေနတတ္ ေနမွာဘဲျဖစ္သလို၊
အေမေတြ မရိွေတာ႔ရင္လဲ
အေဖေတြဟာ ေလာကဓံေအာက္မွာ
ရင္ဆိုင္ခ်ီတက္ေနမွာပါဘဲ ဆိုတဲ႔ Theme ကိုေပးခ်င္တာရယ္။
ယခုအခ်ိန္ က်ေတာ္တို႔ရဲ႔
သားသမီး တူ၊ တူမေတြ အရြယ္ေရာက္
မႀကာခင္မွာ ဘဝရင္ခြင္ထဲ ပ်ံသန္းႀကေတာ႔မွာမို႔
မိဘေနရာေရာက္ေနတဲ႔ က်ေနာ္တို႔ေတြဟာ
မိဘေတြတုန္းက ခံစားခ်က္ေတြကို
က်ေနာ႔ရဲ႔ ၅၀ျပည္႔ ေမြးေန႔မွာ
ကြယ္လြန္တာ ဒီ ၂၇ ရက္ မွာ ၂၃နွစ္ ျပည္႔မယ္႔
အေဖအတြက္ ရည္စူးကန္ေတာ႔တဲ႔ အေနနဲ႔ေရ ၊
လူဘဝ ဘဝတိုင္းရဲ႔ လက္ဆင္႔ကမ္းအေမြ
ေနာက္တစ္ခ်ိန္ က်ေနာ္တို႔ေနရာ ေရာက္လာမယ္႔
သားသမီး ေတြ သိဖို႔ Message တပုဒ္ အေန
သူတို႔ရဲ႔ ၂၃နွစ္ ေမြးေန႔ အမွတ္တရ
မွၽေဝ ေပးလိုက္ခ်င္တာမို႔
ဒီသီခ်င္းက အသင္႔ေတာ္ဆံုးထင္တာေၾကာင္႔
ဒီသီခ်င္းနဲ႔ သူ႔ပိုင္ရွင္
ကြယ္လြန္သူ အဆိုေတာ္ ဦးစိန္လြင္က
ဒီမူရင္းသီခ်င္းရဲ႔ သံစဥ္ေကာ္ပီယူကာ
တစ္စိမ္းေတြလို ေနလိုက္မယ္ ဆိုတဲ႔ အခ်စ္သီခ်င္းအေနျဖင္႔ မူလသီဆိုခဲ႔ျပီး၊
လက္ရိွ လူငယ္အဆိုေတာ္အာဇါနည္ရဲ႔
ဒီသီခ်င္းဟာနွင့္ ျမန္မာပရိတ္ႀကီးႀကီးငယ္ငယ္အမ်ားစုနဲ႔
မူလ အဂၤလိပ္သီခ််င္းကို ေရးသားသီဆိုသူဟာ
ကေနဒါလူမ်ိဳး Paul Anka ျဖစ္ပါတယ္၊
သူဟာ သီခ်င္းေရးဆရာ၊ အဆိုေတာ္ ၊
ရုပ္ရွင္မင္းသားလဲျဖစ္ကာ Frank Sinatra ရဲ႔
Signature song တစ္ပုဒ္ျဖစ္ျပီး Elvis Presley ပါ သီဆိုခဲ႔တဲ႔
My way ဆိုတဲ႔ သီခ်င္းကိုေရးသားခဲ႔သူလဲျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
Put your head on my shoulder တို႔
I don't like to sleep alone တို႔
Diana တို႔ လို ေက်ာ္ႀကားတဲ႔ သီခ်င္းေတြလဲ
အမ်ားႀကီးေရးသားသီဆို ေအာင္ျမင္ခဲ႔သူပါ။
Oldies ေတြ ႀကိဳက္တဲ႔ သူေတြ
သူ႔သီခ်င္းေတြကို ေကာင္းေကာင္းသိႀကမွာပါ။
ႀကိဳက္နွစ္သက္သူေတြ အတြက္ အဆင္ေျပေအာင္
Lyrics with chords, video version, midi version ေတြ တင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္
အားလံုး က်န္းမာခ်မ္းသာႀကပါေစ။
Lyrics with chords, video version, midi version ေတြ တင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္
အားလံုး က်န္းမာခ်မ္းသာႀကပါေစ။
To down load midi file, please left clip on the following address and tap on appear link address : http://bettylou.zzruss.com/papaanka.mid
Papa (70s version)
Em - Am - B7 - Em
Em Am
1. Every day my papa would
work to help to make ends meet,
B7 Em
to see that we would eat, keep
those shoes upon my feet.
Em Am
Every night my papa would take
and tuck me in my bed,
B7 Em
kiss me on my head after all
my prayers were said.
Em Am
Growing up with him was easy,
time just flew on by,
B7 Em
the years began to fly, he
aged and so did I.
B7 Em
And I could tell that mama
wasn't well,
C D G B7
Papa knew and deep down so did
she, so did she.
C D B7 Em
When she died, Papa broke down
and cried,
C Am B7
all he said was, "God,
why not take me?"
2. Every night he sat there sleeping in his
rocking chair,
B7 Em
he never went upstairs all because
she wasn't there.
Then one day my Papa said, "Son,
I'm proud of the way you've grown.
B7 Em
Make it on your own, for I’ll
be O.K. alone."
C - D - B7 - Em - C - Am - B7
3. Every time I kiss my
children, Papa's words ring true :
B7 Em
"Your children live
through you, they'll grow and leave you, too."
Em Am
I remember every word my Papa
used to say,
B7 Em
I live them every day, he taught me well that way.
Em Am
Every night my papa would take
and tuck me in my bed,
B7 Em
kiss me on my head when my
prayers were said.
Every night my papa would take
and tuck me in my bed….
(orig. = no capo; midi = capo 1st
: Dm - Gm - A - Dm….
To down load midi file, please left clip on the following address and tap on appear link address : http://bettylou.zzruss.com/papaanka.mid
Everyday my papa would work
To try to make ends meet
To see that we would eat
Keep those shoes upon my feet
Every night my papa would take me
And tuck me in my bed
Kiss me on my head
After all the prayers were said
And there were years
Of sadness and of tears
Through it all
Together we were strong
We were strong
Times were rough
But Papa he was tough
Mama stood beside him all along
Growing up with them was easy
The time had flew on by
The years began to fly
They aged and so did I
And I could tell
That mama she wasn't well
Papa knew and deep down so did she.
So did she!
When she died,
Papa broke down and he cried
And all he could say was: "God, why her? Take me!"
Everyday he sat there sleeping in a walking chair
He never went upstairs
'cause she wasn't there
Then one day my Papa said:
"Son, I'm proud of how you've grown"
He said, "Go (out) and make it on your own.
And don't worry! I'm O.K. alone."
He said: "There are things that you must do; places you must see."
And his eyes were sad as he.....
As he said goodbye to me
Every time, I kiss my children
Papa's words ring true
He said; "Your children. They live through you.
And they'll grow. They'll leave you, too."
I remember every word my papa used to say
I kiss my kids and I pray
That they'll think, think of me,that way.....someday..... [for 1st version]
(I live that every day
He taught me well that way) [for 2nd version]
[Every night my papa would take
....... After all my prayers were said......fade out]
Everyday my papa would work
To try to make ends meet
To see that we would eat
Keep those shoes upon my feet
Every night my papa would take me
And tuck me in my bed
Kiss me on my head
After all the prayers were said
And there were years
Of sadness and of tears
Through it all
Together we were strong
We were strong
Times were rough
But Papa he was tough
Mama stood beside him all along
Growing up with them was easy
The time had flew on by
The years began to fly
They aged and so did I
And I could tell
That mama she wasn't well
Papa knew and deep down so did she.
So did she!
When she died,
Papa broke down and he cried
And all he could say was: "God, why her? Take me!"
Everyday he sat there sleeping in a walking chair
He never went upstairs
'cause she wasn't there
Then one day my Papa said:
"Son, I'm proud of how you've grown"
He said, "Go (out) and make it on your own.
And don't worry! I'm O.K. alone."
He said: "There are things that you must do; places you must see."
And his eyes were sad as he.....
As he said goodbye to me
Every time, I kiss my children
Papa's words ring true
He said; "Your children. They live through you.
And they'll grow. They'll leave you, too."
I remember every word my papa used to say
I kiss my kids and I pray
That they'll think, think of me,that way.....someday..... [for 1st version]
(I live that every day
He taught me well that way) [for 2nd version]
[Every night my papa would take
....... After all my prayers were said......fade out]
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